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Dating Tips For Men That Actually Work PUA Knowledge 

Dating Tips For Men That Actually Work

Most guys think woman prefer a man with money, muscles or hyper-masculinity. However, most women prefer a man who displays manners, morals, and mindfulness. Are you a single guy that keeps on getting shot down by every woman you approach? Perhaps you are the guy that comes on too strong? Or, you are the shy guy that doesn’t feel confident enough to approach a woman. If either of these situations fits, here are a few dating tips for men that actually work! Most guys think woman prefer a man with money, muscles or hyper-masculinity. However, most women prefer a man who displays manners, morals, and mindfulness. Here’s an example, let us say, you and your mates are out at a pub and you see a beautiful woman sitting across the bar with her friends. She has all the physical attributes that you require. She even appears to be having a good time. So, without hesitation, you walk across the bar to strike up a conversation. Approach number 1: You walk over and offer her another drink. Oops! She already has a... Read More
7 dating tips for people with social anxiety PUA Knowledge 

7 dating tips for people with social anxiety

Social anxiety can make dating tricky, or if I’m honest, it can make it a nightmare worthy of a Stephen King novel. As someone who feels uncomfortable being the centre of attention, my performance on a date was never going to be Oscar-worthy. After all, as Carrie Bradshaw famously said; “first dates are just interviews, with cocktails”. The fear of saying the ‘wrong thing’ or coming across like a loser was all consuming for me. Thoughts such as “you’re acting weird, say something interesting,” would circulate through my brain, like a bully taunting me. These thoughts have made me act in peculiar ways over the years. Some of my closest friends thought I was an ‘ice queen’ when we first met, because social anxiety used to dictate my behaviour. For example, if I really liked a person (either in a romantic or friendship way) I tended to be aloof and avoid eye contact. It came across as though I was bored, but it was actually anxiety. However, you don’t have to be a slave to social anxiety. Over the years I’ve picked... Read More
Some Helpful Tips On Dating In 2018 PUA News 

Some Helpful Tips On Dating In 2018

With a new year around the corner there are many things to hope for. I hope to win the lottery, I hope to find an apartment that doesn’t have popcorn ceilings, I hope I don’t get a hunchback from sitting at my desk the way I do. We all wish for a lot of things but finding a partner you can share life with is often times one of them. That’s why we wrote out some important dating tips in 2018 to remember, abide by, or hey, completely ignore. Searching For Perspective Dating sucks, being single sucks, fighting with your significant other sucks. And at times it feels like your world can come crashing down when such things aren’t going the way you so desperately want them to. It is important for your mental health to change the way you view your relationships. Be it with a friend from High School who isn’t stepping up to the friendship plate, or a coworker who only looks out for themselves, it sometimes feels impossible change a negative mood. You decide how you get to feel so thinking positively, knowing what... Read More